You've probably noticed my lack of posts recently. I was trying to really decide what I wanted this blog to be. It's still about my running journey, but that is only part of my life. I've decided this will also be about my life in general and my family. First and foremost I am a mommy and wife, next I am a runner.
I did do the Historic Half on May 18th. I was running with my BRF (best running friend), her goal was a sub 2. I ran about 11 miles with her, then lost her in the crowd at Hospital Hill. I finished in 1:55:29 (and for the first time ran the whole way and even felt like I could run a couple more miles!). She finished in 1:58:00!! We still have one more half this year and she is working towards a 1:55:00 finish!
Other big news: We booked our Disney vacation! This will be my first trip to Disney as well as a first for my kids. My husband, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and my parents have all been before. We'll have a huge group, and will have so much fun! We are trying to keep this a complete secret from the kids! We want to surprise them with the whole experience. Most of the planning is going to be by me. I think everyone else is having fun watching me plan and get excited! I won't post (for safety reasons) when we'll be going, but it quite a while away! Every once in awhile I might post how planning is going and what the plans are, just because I'm so excited to go!!!
Today is Kaitlyn's last day of preschool. She thinks that she'll start Kindergarten on Monday. It's hard to explain to a 5 year old that she has to wait until September! I'm going to try to keep her busy until my other two get out of school on June 19th!
John, my husband, has been attending PMP bootcamp this week. He is exhausted and mentally overwhelmed. I know he'll be glad to have this out of the way!