Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Little Corner of the World

Recently we have been moving things around in our house. We have a 3 bedroom townhouse. About 18 months ago we moved things around so each kid could have their own room and John and I moved our bedroom to the basement. The only problem with that was I lost my "office" area and craft corner. During this time my "area" has been a small corner if our dining room table. I noticed that my stuff kept moving and disappearing, which does not make for a happy mommy!

So we moved things around again! John and I are still in the basement. My son kept his big room, and the girls are together again in the master bedroom. The small bedroom is now mine! When bought the house we used it as the nursery, it is only about an 8x8 room. I don't have a desk or chair just but I will soon! 

The closet is filled with my craft things and running gear.
Much better than under the stairs and shoved into a small drawer! 

I also can display all my running medals and other goodies all in one place now!
Always earned!
My Diva 5K winnings!

Do you have a place in your house just for you?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekly Workouts for April 6th- 12th

April 6th was the Cherry Blossom race (see race recap). My schedule for the week after that was: Monday rest/recovery, Tuesday 5K pace intervals on the treadmill, Wednesday was easy miles on the treadmill, Thursday was goal pace on the treadmill, Friday was cross training, Saturday was my long group run.

Here's how I did:
Notice Wednesday my split, I realized at mile 1.25 that I had to go potty! So I went and came back and finished it out. Thursday was supposed to be 6 miles, but I was pretty done by mile 5 so I had to stop at 5.5.

The lady I ran with only needed 5 miles, so I got there early and did 2 on my own, met with her and ran the 5 and then finished out with 2 more on my own.

The rest of that day was spent watching my husband play softball with our church team.

Cherry Blossom Recap

Cherry Blossom 10 miler, April 6, 2014

The expo was quick and easy to get to and get my packet. Not a whole lot at the expo that I haven't seen before. So I didn't buy anything!
My bib, I was in the first wave of "regular runners", the elites were the first official wave.
My Flat Mama for the race (all but my watch and music, both were charging!)
Before the race- while waiting on the Port-a-Potty line.
After- feeling pretty good!
My Stats: I finished in 1:20:16, well within my set goal of 1:20 to 1:30!
All in all a great race, I felt good. I did walk for about 10 seconds each mile starting at mile 5, just to catch my breath and enjoy the beauty of the city!

Weekly workout March 30th-April 5th

My schedule this week was supposed to be: Rest Sunday, tempo run Monday, cross train Tuesday, easy treadmill miles on Wednesday, easy treadmill miles Thursday morning, an easy 3 mile group run on Thursday evening, rest Friday, and walk 30-45 minutes on Saturday

Here was my weekly workout for the treadmill:
Monday- pretty good!
Wednesday- awesome!
Thursday treadmill running didn't happen, so I went out with a friend before our group run- not too bad:
This is a our group run- we did good keeping it easy!
Tuesday and Saturday I did walking for 30-45 minutes. Sometimes I find that so much harder than running!